20 Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction (With Video)

Worst foods for Erectile dysfunction

You Are What You Eat

It is a brainer that what you eat can increase the chances of Erectile dysfunction. You are what you eat, consuming foods that can cause high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes can also cause Erectile dysfunction. An erection happens when there is blood flow to erectile tissues. There are foods that make a man have a healthy erection and last longer in bed.


20 Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction 

Below are worst foods for erectile dysfunction, stay away from these foods as much as you can, you don’t want to perform below expectation when the light is off.


delicious italian pizza picture

Eating pizza regularly leads to obesity, and low testosterone levels which results in low levels of libido. The nutrients value in this type of food is low which is greatly connected to sexual health and sexual performance


sugar picture


Sweet in your mouth but unhealthy for you. If you are concerned about your performance under the sheet you might want to consider slashing this sweet stuff.

Bottled Water

closeup on mineral water bottles in raw and lines picture

Bottled water contains Bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical component that can harm your sexuality and fertility. A study found a relationship between higher BPA in a male’s body and low sperm count. Women who have a higher BPA level also have less-quality eggs. Also one of the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction


customer buying beer in liquor store lager craft or wheat beer ipa or picture id1140559962?b=1&k=20&m=1140559962&s=170667a&w=0&h=9 QClGNj 40yehhMG15gAks7tkCeUqXTWEfCq8DGOg0=

It could increase the desire for sex at the time of consumption but it has a short and long-term effect on sexual performance. Excessive daily consumption of alcohol can obliterate testosterone from your bloodstream causing ED. Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction



White bread

toast 1077881 340

White bread, filled with simple sugar, has zero nutritional value, increases your blood sugar, clogs your arteries, reduces your sexual performance, one of the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction




coffee 819362 480
Drinking coffee boosts the mood and energy level and it does not directly affect erectile dysfunction. Side effects of coffee in males include anxiety, headache, and rapid or racing heartbeat which affect sex drive. Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction


cannabis 448661 340

Sources of Marijuana are stems, leaves, and flowers of the cannabis sativa hemp plant. The National Institute on Drug Abuse listed delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as a main chemical. It also has over 100 related chemicals known as cannabinoids.
Marijuana is linked with side effects that could have an impact on sexual health including erectile dysfunction.

Fried foods

egg 1364869 340

Fried foods are unhealthy for the heart, it causes high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. These have an impact on a man’s sexual performance.

Salty Foods 

soda 4017615 960 720

Salty spreads, salty nibbles, and some salty foods are associated with high blood pressure and heart diseases, These two have the risk factors for erection problems. Prolonged consumption of salty foods can cause erectile dysfunction. Watch your sodium intake, It is one of the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction

soy milk 2263942 340

Soy contains isoflavones, In the body, it is converted to phytoestrogens, which is similar to human estrogen that naturally is in both males and females. High isoflavone intake could induce the production of estrogen and also decrease the production of testosterone. Low testosterone causes erectile dysfunction

Canned soup

can of rotini tomato soup on a white background picture id576734724?b=1&k=20&m=576734724&s=170667a&w=0&h=15w0fWiCoiVBW1XEysjs0Qp F NddcRHKLs8LjYkXS4=
The canned soup contains high levels of sodium which increases blood pressure, heart damage, and reduces blood flow to the penis, affecting his sexual health. It is one of the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction

cheese 1972744 340

Cheese gotten from cow’s milk that is loaded with synthetic hormones can interfere with the body’s natural hormones production, estrogen, and testosterone, one of the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction


Soft Drinks

glasses 1477078 340Soft drinks are non-alcoholic beverages often carbonated and sweetened. Soft drinks’ impact on human health is surrounded by myths and controversy but it cannot be disputed that it has detrimental metabolic effects and their consumption should be limited.

Research has indicated that excessive intake of soft drinks causes erectile dysfunction 

Processed meat

turkish sausage wrap with cheddar picture id1388896173?b=1&k=20&m=1388896173&s=170667a&w=0&h=1tLj3jOJl1Api7b 7aMYLV aXMvzBsf96QBdLyV44l0=

Researchers say that red meat contains protein, Vitamin B-12 and iron but consuming a lot of processed meat, red meat can impair blood flow affecting your erection.

Flax seed
flax 3608487 340

Flax seed contains essential nutrients for general well-being. There has not been an established fact that flax seed causes erectile dysfunction but it reduces testosterone levels in both men and women.

chocolates 2224998 340

Surprise chocolate made the list? Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction? chocolates help with blood circulation, making it an aphrodisiac, and stimulating the desire for sex  but consuming a whole lot of chocolate can reduce testosterone levels 



licorice 2543337 480

Licorice, a herb that grows in parts of Asia and Europe contains glycyrrhizin which is anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, anti-allergic, antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-diabetic, and hepatoprotective… Consuming high contents of licorice causes erectile dysfunction among other effects. Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction


 Artificial sweeteners

sugar and artificial sweetener packets on a wooden table picture

Artificial sweeteners are also known as Aspartame. It is found in soda, juices, and processed foods. Recent findings show that Artificial sweeteners can reduce testosterone levels and it is among the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction


leaves 3519785 340

Spearmint is a flavor of chewing gum. Peppermint candies are a treat for kids and adults alike. Mint is also used to cure bad breath in both males and females. Ingesting too much mint comes with the effect of lowering testosterone reducing the libido for sex.

White flour

flour picture

White flour contains less zinc than whole grain and whole wheat flour. One of the essential components of male sexual health is zinc. Zinc has an effect on arousing and maintaining an erection.
White flour, one of the Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction causes insulin resistance and the end result, Diabetes. There is a link between Diabetes and Erectile dysfunction.


Randyfoods Cures Erectile Dysfunction

last longer in bed


Randyfoods cures ED which could be caused Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction

The Amazing Secrets Of Some Rarely Eaten Foods. You Will Become a Stud In 7 Days Without Any Side Effects.  This is 1000 % Natural and GUARANTEED!!!

Get More Powerful erections – Develop ‘rock hard’ erections, each and every time no matter your age! Cure and prevent Erectile Dysfunction- Temporary impotence will be a thing of the past! Last longer in bed! Have more semen volume with better quality.

You will be able to naturally:

  • Get More Powerful erections – Develop ‘rock hard’ erections, each and every time no matter your age!
  • Cure and prevent Erectile Dysfunction – Temporary impotence will be a thing of the past!
  • Have more sperm volume with better quality – If you have not noticed, according to women, a man’s sperm volume reflects his sexual abilities. If it is low, then he is a dud; if it is high, then he is a stud. This sick trend is taking a whole on all women, so men we just have to impress in that department.
  • End premature ejaculation and last longer in bed– Have sex for as long as you want, and satisfy her fully!
  • Ejaculate further – Fire off like a cannon!
  • Increased sexual stamina – Go for longer, stronger and YOU decide when you ejaculate
  • Have explosive sex AND Increase your confidence – Pleasure your partner beyond her wildest dreams and willingly, she will address you ‘Sir’. This is my personal experience.



Reviews On Randyfoods

“I am a very pleased and satisfied customer. Your product is very good. Forget the blue and beige pills , and all their counterparts. They are all stimulants and not great for health. Spend your hard-earned money to correct this problem instead. I’ll also be placing an order to try your Spermboost product in a short while, as funds become available. Thank you.” – AHMADU D.

“This is a good product I used some time ago. My libido was quite low then as nothing turns me on again. My wife felt resented as she didn’t turn me on. I know she’s not the problem because it’s the same scenario with my lady friend. It was randy foods that increased my libido. What I love most is the intensity of my ejaculation. So good.”  Tom

“A great product that saved my marriage. I suffered from ED for close to a year. I could not be with my wife during that period. I should quickly state here that people know that money alone doesn’t make women happy. My wife was not happy and also frustrated and at a time moved to another room. Whenever I thought I had used something to help me go to her, I always felt disappointed because it was either it will be very difficult to raise an erection or just ejaculate within seconds after insertion. I simply lost hope. Then I stumbled upon this randyfood on Google. Gave it a trial and then tried it myself with an old friend. I was happy with my performance. My relationship with my wife has greatly improved. I have finished my dosage but I still keep a pack at home. Just in case.”





Experiencing Erectile dysfunction can be embarrassing and degrading. There are foods that trigger erection problems. Healthy lifestyles, a change in diet, and avoiding or taking less of these foods that worsen erectile dysfunction can reduce a man’s risk of sexual problems,



20 Worst Foods For Erectile Dysfunction (Video)



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