Is there any connection between premature ejaculation and pregnancy? 

Pregnancy is without a doubt a gift however certain conditions ought to be met to guarantee a healthy and successful conception. 

This includes ideal vaginal insertion, presence of a sound egg in the Fallopian tube, and accessibility of good sperms after discharge. 

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Obviously, any change in any of these occasions can influence the fertility and odds of taking in.

Premature ejaculation is a typical issue experienced by roughly 30% of guys globally. 

For certain guys, it is a transient stage while others experience it for a specific time, usually after a physical or mental injury. 

Albeit, premature ejaculation normally settles with a change in lifestyle and non-pharmacological cures, you should search for clinical exhortation on the off chance that you are arranging to have a family. 

Randyfoods Cures Premature Ejaculation

Randy Foods

Randyfoods help increases your sexual effectiveness. This means that you will last longer in bed and no more premature ejaculations in bed. It will make you a stud in bed and make your lady appreciate you more.

Here are some testimonials by people who have used randyfoods below:

Let me begin by saying my particular problem was sustainability. NEPA will supply full voltage but quickly switch off before you enjoy the light. (if you know what I mean). I didn’t feel like I was full-blown ED as I would get erections constantly during the day. It was just keeping them when I needed them that was the problem. So rather than go the full Viagra or Cialis route, I did research and eventually decided upon Randyfoods. The first time I tried, after a week the effect was so natural that I attributed it to my new partner. It was good to go for a couple of hours. She couldn’t keep her hands off it! It wasn’t until a month later (same partner and with the same amazing effects) that I truly knew it was the Randyfoods that helped maintain and strengthen my erection. The reason being, we have had sex multiple times and i no longer consider her a new babe. I always sustain my erection. Now I’m a fan and I just ordered my second packet. I hope everyone enjoys the same results.” – REUBEN

Purchased Randyfoods through a cousin when I came to Naija but started taking it when I arrived in the UK. The first day or two I didn’t notice much difference, but after that, I could tell something was happening. Later that week, I was lying in bed breathless after aggressive lovemaking and my wife asked, ‘Wow, what got into you?” If you want better, longer-lasting, and more frequent sexual experiences then give this a try, I’m very happy with it but my only complaint is that I have weird tasting burps about 10 minutes after taking it. Please upgrade to tablet” – KENNY

To buy Randyfoods, CLICK HERE

Spermboost Cures Low Sperm Count

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Spermboost is a natural dietary supplement that improves the quality of your sperm. From sperm count to motility and morphology, Spermboost improves your sperm in all areas making it more probable you conceive if you are looking to have a child.

These are testimonials from happy and satisfied customers of spermboost:

My counts were around 10millionsperm/ml with only 12% motility, way below the WHO standards of 50% motility. My wife came across this product. My motility was now 37% with 45millionsperm/ml. I was pleasantly surprised, to say the least, I bought another set and attained 55% motility and 60millionsperm/ml. I was no longer considered infertile based on my count. If you are in the same predicament, I will advise you to give it a trial. there is more to gain than to lose. Good luck to all those reading” – JUDE

After getting this product, some really interesting and eye-opening facts were revealed to me(all buyers have access to the info). Oh my!!! so delighted for the info, I have been revealing and enjoying a habit that definitely must have been the cause of my low sperm count. Thank you so much for that information. I am still in shock. I will come back to update” – TAIWO

To buy SpermBoost, CLICK HERE.

What is premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation (usually abbreviated as PE) refers to “an early climax followed by the arrival of male juices”. 

In spite of the fact that there is no clear time or definition that could help in diagnosing premature ejaculation, yet clinically a normal male goes on for about 7.3 minutes or significantly more. 

It is good to remember that the time to discharge changes among various guys (or even in the same man at various times of life), yet the clinical diagnosis of premature ejaculation is generally made if the average time to discharge is under 1.8 minutes. 

Premature Ejaculation is increasingly regular around the limits of age (extremely young guys) or old. Most basic physiological causes are: 

  • Over-excitement: This is increasingly normal in young boys going through puberty. 
  • Anxiousness: This situation is found in guys who are conscious about their performance in bed or how their partners see them.
  • Too sensitive (a few guys are more touchy than different guys) to sexual incitement 
  • Physiological aging
  • Constant medical problems (particularly diabetes)

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Premature ejaculation can likewise introduce itself in certain natural medical problems, for example, 

  • Prostate hypertrophy or hyperplasia 
  • Extreme misery 
  • Unfriendly impact of a certain solution and cold drugs 

Is there a connection between premature ejaculation and pregnancy?

Although, time to discharge doesn’t generally make a difference as long as the vaginal penetration is adequate; yet now and again, it might compromise fertility. Here is the secret: 

  • Early ejaculation can lead to disappointment, outrage, and strain between the partners and may compromise the nature of the relationship, influencing fertility indirectly. 
  • Most guys get restless and much increasingly conscious which typically worsens the issue. Therefore, male partners will in general abstain from participating in the demonstration of intercourse to stay away from the shame. Be that as it may, the early discharge doesn’t for the most part influence odds of conception if every other condition is met (intercourse at the time of ovulation and release of male secretions in the vaginal canal). 
  • In extreme instances of premature ejaculation, the male partner may discharge before entering the vaginal canal. For clear reasons, in all these extraordinary cases, odds of getting pregnant are small. 

What can you do to improve your chances of conception with premature ejaculation? 

Most guys will in general disregard premature ejaculation as an issue, while others will in general cover it or hide it because of humiliation. In either case, premature ejaculation isn’t an illness and can respond well to clinical treatment. 

It is highly recommended to see an expert so as to know the real reason for premature ejaculation and infertility. But you can also use good supplements like Randyfoods and Spermboost to help you last better in bed and help improve your fertility respectively. 

Randy FoodsSpermBoost

In the event that premature ejaculation is because of anxiety or being nervous, basic home remedies can support a great deal, for example, 

  • Talking to a psychotherapist or guide to share and talk about your interests. In a perfect world, in the event that your partner comes with you, the results can be reached much more rapidly. 
  • In the event that premature ejaculation is because of nervousness or performance anxiety, a little glass of wine can help in calming your nerves. 
  • Retraining yourself with a stop-start procedure likewise enables a great deal of guys to get over ejaculating prematurely. 
  • There are various over-the-counter items that can likewise help in dealing with this issue. For instance, local sedative creams that reduce the sensation during the act of intercourse and postpones discharge. In any case, this procedure may affect the sensations in the female partner too; therefore, influencing the nature of intercourse. 
  • Antidepressants, (for example, clomipramine, sertraline, and fluoxetine) are regularly recommended by doctors to address this issue. 
  • On the off chance that the reason for infertility or trouble in conception is a natural issue, different choices like helped regenerative procedures ought to be looked for. 

Premature ejaculation for the most part negatively affects fertility and pregnancy particularly if there are hidden causes behind it. You should talk with the specialist about your sexual life and your craving to conceive and both of you should cooperate to find an answer or treatment of the issue.

But the treatment I recommend to permanently cure premature ejaculation is Randyfoods and if you are looking to improve the fertility of your sperm, I strongly recommend you use a supplement called Spermboost (Just as the name suggests).

To get Randyfoods and Spermboost, click here,


Now that you have seen the difference between Premature ejaculation and Pregnancy, and you have seen how you can cure premature ejaculation and pregnancy that may be hard to make, and also improve your sperm quality. You can now start taking the right actions to improve your sex life and increase the quality of your sperm.

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