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Questions like “Why does semen come out hours after sex?” has been asked by many women and men over the years.

And you’re curious to know why semen comes out hours after you’ve had sex that’s why you are reading this right now.

Today, you are going to get the answer to this question.

Even couples ask this question when they are trying to conceive. And they are worried if one can still get pregnant even after semen leaks after sex.



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Here are some testimonials by people who have experienced first hand what Spermboost can do for you.

I got your products some months back, my wife, unfortunately, had a miscarriage which was her doing. She drank alcohol when we went to a party. Somehow, we were delighted because this had never happened in our 6 years of marriage. Gratefully, we confirmed another pregnancy just last week. This is definitely here to stay(Amen)” – OGBONNA

I had a child before I got married, so when we didn’t conceive after 2 years in marriage, I allegedly nursed the feeling it was my wife that had issues. This innocent lady went all out to make herself fit. After conducting several tests, she was certified fit. The last medical practitioner she met insisted I must come for a test too. It was preposterous to me, I have proof already. With her constant pleading, I went for a test and I had a low sperm count. I had to conduct a personal test that confirmed it. To cut the story short, I used Spermboost and we have a child now. My advice to men out there never thinks you are okay until you conduct a test.” – EMMA

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What you should know

When trying to get pregnant, couples begin seeing sex in a totally different light. They may see, for instance, that sperm flows out in the wake of having sex. This can be saddening when the objective is conception since you’re left to ponder, “How is sperm expected to fertilize my eggs if it’s not making it there?

In fact, however, it’s totally typical for sperm to spill out after sex, says Michele Hakakha, M.D., FACOG, an OB-GYN in Beverly Hills and creator of Expecting 411. Furthermore, it doesn’t influence your odds of getting pregnant.

To comprehend this reality, it helps to get a fundamental summary of how conception works. “Semen (the stuff that comes out when a man discharges) is comprised of a variety of things,” clarifies Dr. Hakakha. “One of its segments is sperm.” Normal male discharge contains somewhere in the range of 39 to 928 million sperm, as per the World Health Organization (WHO). Only one sperm needs to fertilize your egg for conception to happen.

There’s nothing you can do about it, really

The facts confirm that a lot of discharge spills out after intercourse; there’s very little you can do to keep this from occurring. Truth be told, it very well may be a decent sign, since it shows that there’s sufficient sperm to bring about pregnancy.

A portion of the sperm will stay in the rear of the vagina (the back fornix). A significantly more modest sum advances up through the cervix, into the uterus, and down the fallopian tubes. Sperm moves rapidly, so it starts journeying to the fallopian tubes in practically no time. “It’s here, in the fallopian tubes, that the sperm and egg meet,” says Dr. Hakakha.

A pregnancy could result if the correct conditions are set up—yet remember that conception takes time. Doctors suggest visiting a fertility trained professional in the event that you’ve been trying to conceive for one year without any outcomes. In case you’re more than 35 years of age, the time period diminishes to a half year.

The primary concern: “You don’t have to lie in bed with your legs up after intercourse to get pregnant,” says Dr. Hakakha. “The way that semen is spilling out subsequently doesn’t diminish your odds of conceiving.”

Benefits of taking Spermboost

  • It increases the motility of your sperm
  • Helps boost your sperm production
  • Makes you fertile if you have a low sperm count.
  • Reduces morphological damage – making your sperm maintain their shape
  • And many more…

Ejaculate leakage

Sperm or ejaculate leakage from the vagina after sex is typical and is normal. Sperm spillage can really be something to be thankful for in light of the fact that it implies that there is sufficient sperm in the discharge. After semen is delivered into the vagina, sperm promptly isolates from the leftover discharge and sperms start moving into the cervix and up into the uterus for fertilization in the fallopian tubes. Sperm moves into the tubes inside the space of minutes after discharge in the vagina.

When the discharge is inside the vagina, vaginal emissions begin obliterating a large part of the leftover sperm. At the point when they move into the cervix and uterus, they are shielded from the unfriendly vaginal acidic emissions.

What is spilling out of your vagina after sex?

Most ladies notice some spillage of semen subsequent to having engaged in sexual relations. They are worried that sperm may spill and that there may not be sufficient sperm left for fertilization. To comprehend this issue more, it’s fundamental to know precisely what the discharge is made out of. Under 10% of the discharge are real spermatozoa. The discharge comprises a blend of components:

Liquid from the seminal vesicles contains proteins and catalysts just as exceptionally bio reactive components, for example, prostaglandins (200 mg/ml), citrate particles, spermine, and fructose (2 mg/ml).

Another component of the ejaculate comes from the prostate gland, which contributes to high concentrations of citric acid, as well as spermine, a very basic organic molecule of unknown function.

A portion of the discharge is a clear liquid that comes from the bulbourethral (Cowper’s) organ and goes about as an ointment and neutralizing agent in the urethra. Under 10% of the discharge is sperm, or spermatozoa, which come from the testicles.

Could semen spillage make it harder for you to get pregnant?

No. A few ladies notice some release following sex and believe it’s the reason for barrenness. The liquid emerging from the vagina after his climax is only a bit of the discharge.

Under 5-10% of the discharge is really sperm — more than 90% is comprised of different liquids. Spillage of the discharge from the vagina is profoundly far-fetched to keep you from getting pregnant. Truth be told, it’s absolutely typical for some discharge to spill out after intercourse.

Infertility is a condition that affects approximately 1 out of every 6 couples. Female infertility factors contribute to approximately 50% of all infertility cases.

Infertility in females can be cured through the use of OVUL8PLUS.  It contains just the right formulation of herbal extracts to support your body’s natural hormone levels and also improve egg health.

Ovul8 Plus
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  • treats hormonal imbalance
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  • restores and normalize ovulation(anovulation)
  • enhanced fertility
  • eliminates the effects of anti-sperm antibodies
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What can I do to ensure that more sperm stays inside after sex?

In the event that he discharges profoundly inside you, at that point you can be certain that regardless of the amount of the discharge spills out a while later, enough sperm will arrive at the cervical bodily fluid. In the event that you stay on your back for the recommended 15-20 minutes after intercourse, with hips somewhat raised, this spillage of the discharge is generally not a reason for fruitlessness.

Eventually, don’t stress excessively and consider the way that it is most likely a decent indication of wellbeing that some discharge spills out on the grounds that it might imply that he is storing his semen typically in your vagina and that there is enough of it.

Here are 7 things you probably didn’t know about semen leakage

Lately, a significant disturbing number of ladies have been grumbling about sperm pour OR sperm spillage. This spillage typically goes from a couple of moments to a couple of hours after intercourse. Most couples really trust it to be the reason for their barrenness. Indeed, here are 7 things you presumably didn’t think about Sperm Leakage:

1. It’s normal

Spillage of sperm from the vagina is normal and is to be expected when there is sufficient semen during discharge. This spillage is probably not going to keep you from getting pregnant. Indeed, it is absolutely typical for a portion of the discharge to emerge from your vagina after intercourse.

2. It’s not all sperm

The liquid emerging from the vagina after your better half’s climax is a segment of the discharge however under 5% of the spillage is really sperm – A colossal lump of it is comprised of common fundamental liquids.

3. It’s not the main reason for infertility

Sperm reflux/Sperm Pour/Sperm Leakage or whatever we decide to call it doesn’t actually purpose barrenness BUT somewhat it might diminish the odds of conception in couples.

4. Pelvic infections

Albeit typical, ongoing investigations have demonstrated that Sperm leakage might be brought about by a lady’s clinical history of pelvic infections. In these ladies, the immune system is actuated to deliver sperm antibodies inside the vagina. The particular reason for these antibodies is to attack sperm when they go into the vagina. The antibodies destroy the construction and capacity of sperms and render them ‘handicapped’ – so to speak. Consequently, these sperms can’t swim towards the cervix and in this manner, they basically spill out.

5. Cervical mucus too thick

Likewise, if a lady’s cervical mucus is excessively thick, it establishes a climate where the sperm has a hard time swimming on its journey through the female conceptive lot. On the off chance that you are considering what cervical bodily fluid is, it is a colorless, odorless, and stretchy vaginal liquid that is generally discharged around the time of ovulation in ladies. It fills in as the medium through which sperm goes to meet the female egg (or ovum) in the fallopian tube for fertilization. We for the most part suggest Evergreen CM in such cases. Evergreen CM guarantees that the lady produces sufficient cervical bodily fluid which isn’t excessively thick and not very light – hence, making the most favorable medium required for the movement of sperm inside the female and eventually prompting conception

6. Poor sperm quality.

If a man has watery or poor sperm quality, Sperm leakage is mostly bound to occur. This is because low-quality sperms have a poor functional capacity and are usually too weak to even swim through the female cervical mucus. They, therefore, simply leak out.

7. Protection

After discharge, sperms promptly start to move into the cervix and up into the uterus for fertilization in the fallopian tubes. These sperms move into the cylinders inside the space of minutes after your hubby stores discharge in the vagina.


Now you have seen the reason why sperm comes out after sex. You’ve also discovered that it’s normal and not a terrible thing.

This means you shouldn’t worry at all and be rest assured that you’ll be fine.

But if you still feel like you need a safety net, try out the spermboost and ovul8plus supplements  I mentioned earlier. It will increase the quality of your sperm by 300%.


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