Persons hand on white textile, HOW TO BOOST SPERM MOTILITY


Are you suffering from low sperm motility? In this post, you are going to learn how to boost sperm motility faster than normal. Keep on reading to learn how.

Getting a low motility score on a home sperm test or in a clinical examination is rarely uplifting news — however, it doesn’t need to mean daddy Armageddon.

Actually, most factors that adversely sway your sperm motility (moving sperm-the ones that count!) are totally reversible.

It takes around 3 months for your body to deliver a new group of sperm, so implementing simple lifestyle changes can change your stats inside a couple of months.

Is it true that you are searching for new and regular approaches to improve your sperm motility?

The following are 8 plans to get those swimmers swimming.



We as a whole realize that eating natural products, vegetables, and whole foods is useful for your heart, however, did you realize that it’s additionally useful for your sperm?

The cancer prevention agents and linolenic acid found in numerous sorts of products have been demonstrated to improve sperm wellbeing and an eating regimen of processed nourishments.

Particularly, processed meats can cause sperm count and motility to plunge.

So if shedding 10 pounds wasn’t sufficient to persuade you to discard the sausages and doughnuts, boosting your sperm motility could work.

Need some motivation for another eating regimen?

Attempt these 15 sperm superfoods:

  • Eggs
  • Spinach
  • Bananas
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Pomegranates
  • Pecans
  • Garlic
  • Zinc Rich Foods (Oysters)
  • Carrots
  • Goji Berries
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Ginseng
  • Maca


Nobody knows precisely why male fertility is diving so rapidly, however, one of the speculations is that exposure to pesticides and poisons from plastic cookware might be a factor.

This is also one of the easiest lifestyle changes to implement, Choose organic produce, and make sure to warm your food up in glass or ceramic dishes rather than in Tupperware or other plastic containers.

The following are a few synthetic substances that can hurt male fertility (read about how they’re utilized and how to stay away from them here)

  • Nonstick Chemicals
  • Glymes
  • BPA
  • Fire Retardants
  • Phthalates
  • Pesticides
  • PCBs
  • GMOs
  • Nitrates


It might be known as a LAPTOP, yet keeping it in your lap is an ill-conceived notion in case you’re attempting to improve your sperm motility.

Carrying your cell in your pocket isn’t suggested either.

Top of the line writer Tim Ferriss tried this in his book, ‘The 4 Hour Body’, with a simple trial.

To begin with, he carried his telephone in his pocket obviously (like most men do), and checked his sperm count.

At that point, he went through seven days with his telephone in his knapsack or on an arm lash and re-took the test.

Think about what was the deal?

That’s right His sperm count went up.


Sperm should be 2-3 degrees cooler than the internal heat level to survive and flourish, which is the reason the scrotum balances from the body.

Tight attire, for example, thin pants and jockey clothing push your balls against the center of your body where they’re warmed by your body heat.

Sitting in a hot tub or hot shower can likewise raise the temperature of your sperm.

So discard the thin pants, jockeys, and hot tubs, and pick boxers and free jeans to keep your swimmers cool and motile.

It might seem like something contrary to what you need when attempting to make an infant, yet perhaps it’s the ideal opportunity for a cold shower!

Two adult hands with baby feet



Smoking has been demonstrated to influence sperm count and motility, and tobacco metabolites can even be found in semen.

Studies have indicated that there is an immediate connection between smoking and sperm count. wrote about a meta-investigation of the impact of smoking on semen wellbeing distributed by European Urology in April 2016.

The investigation included 20 examinations and more than 5000 men across Europe.

The investigation found that smoking contrarily affected all components of sperm wellbeing including sperm count, sperm motility (moving sperm), and sperm morphology (sperm shape,) which impacts the sperm’s capacity to swim to the egg.

Different examinations have even indicated that smoking can harm the DNA of your sperm. Fortunately, sperm wellbeing appears to skip back moderately rapidly once you quit smoking.


You may consider your bed in different manners when attempting to conceive, yet really getting a decent night’s rest is one of the main things you can do to improve your sperm motility.

Studies have demonstrated that men who get 7-8 hours of rest have a 42% higher possibility of getting their partners pregnant than men who sleep less (or more).

An ongoing report in Denmark, distributed in the American Journal of Epidemiology has even indicated that poor rest quality can adversely affect sperm wellbeing.

This is likely on the grounds that the body delivers more testosterone, a hormone basic to sperm wellbeing, during rest.

An examination found that folks who slept for 4 hours had testosterone levels of around 200-300 ng/dl. Folks who slept for 8 hours had a lot more elevated levels at around 500-700 ng/dl. Read how every additional hour of rest implies generally 15% more testosterone.


Various investigations have discovered that hefty liquor utilization in men seems to influence sperm count and sperm motility.

You might be imagining that it’s not such a serious deal but rather here’s a straightforward detail drinking in excess of 5 liquor units (a jar of the brew is a unit) seven days can cause a decline in sperm count and motility.

Examinations show that men who drink in excess of 6 units of liquor (330 m”l of a brew is a unit) every week were 14% more averse to turn into a dad.

Indeed, even moderate consumers, who devour under 5 beverages seven days were found to have diminished sperm count and motility.

It’s difficult to state precisely the number of beverages is too much, however, your swimmers will swim quicker and better with less liquor in your system.

Is it accurate to say that you are drinking excessively? Decide for yourself

8. GET Going

Exercising routinely has appeared to straightforwardly improve sperm motility and wellbeing. Like with rest, this is likely because of hormones, chiefly testosterone, that are delivered when working out. So when you get going, your sperm do as well.

What amount of exercise is sufficient?

As indicated by an examination distributed in the Journal of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility – doing a thirty minutes exercise 3 times each week can give your sperm count and motility a lift, yet different investigations show that you need at any rate 5 hours every week for a critical effect. However, don’t try too hard as a lot of exercises can really hurt sperm creation.

Testing sperm motility (the live swimmers) is significant. With studies demonstrating that sperm motility has diminished by over 55% in the previous 38 years knowing where you (or your partner) stand and making a move to improve is more basic than any other time in recent memory.

Exercise impacts sperm count and motility.

Ensure you’re getting the correct balance of exercise and rest. Test your sperm, pick an exercise program, and keep up it for one month. Toward the month’s end, test again and check whether your outcomes have improved. In the event that they have, stay aware of your program, and if not, take a stab at altering your program and testing once more.

9. Use Supplements


Especially the Spermboost supplement. This supplement increases the motility of your sperm by 300 percent. It is also made from natural herbs and plants. This means that it has no side effects and will make it possible for you to impregnate your lady.

Use the numbers below to order yours by phone or click on this link to get yours online.

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Here are some testimonials by people who have experienced first hand what Spermboost does for them.

I got your products some months back, my wife, unfortunately, had a miscarriage which was her doing. She drank alcohol when we went to a party. Somehow, we were delighted because this had never happened in our 6 years of marriage. Gratefully, we confirmed another pregnancy just last week. This is definitely here to stay(Amen)” – OGBONNA

I had a child before I got married, so when we didn’t conceive after 2 years in marriage, I allegedly nursed the feeling it was my wife that had issues. This innocent lady went all out to make herself fit. After conducting several tests, she was certified fit. The last medical practitioner she met insisted I must come for a test too. It was preposterous to me, I have proof already. With her constant pleading, I went for a test and I had a low sperm count. I had to conduct a personal test that confirmed it. To cut the story short, I used Spermboost and we have a child now. My advice to men out there never thinks you are okay until you conduct a test.” – EMMA


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