In this article, you will learn all about ovulation, it’s day, cycle, induction, calculation, cervical mucus and many more enlightening info.
Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary. The egg moves down from the ovary to the fallopian tube, it stays at the fallopian tube for 12 to 24 hours where it could be fertilized by a male’s sperm. A female chance of getting pregnant is on the high side when sperm are in the fallopian tube during ovulation. A sperm under the right condition can stay at the reproductive tract for as long as five to seven days
With an all natural, traditional herbal formula that brings together vital ingredients, Ovul8plus is designed to promote female reproductive wellness as part of an overall health and diet regimen, supporting fertility and optimizing your chances to conceive.
It contains just the right formulation of herbal extracts to support the female body’s hormone levels naturally, improves egg health, promotes healthy conception and cures infertility in women. It supports regularity of ovulation and cycle
Ovulation Calculator
The typical menstrual period is 28 days, however, cycles are different from women and days. During the menstrual cycle, there are about 6 days when you can get pregnant. Use this calculator to check your most fertile window.
Ovulation Symptoms
Beyond the ovulation calculator, some symptoms to look out for includes:
Ovulation Discharge
Through the menstrual cycle, there’s a change in cervical mucus. Ovulation discharge is thin, slippery, white and clear resembling an egg white. This discharge signals that ovulation is approaching, it could be observed in your underwear liner
This discharge(Fertile Discharge)
- helps transport sperm to the egg.
- keeps the sperm healthy during the journey.
- Maintains the sperm longevity for 3 to 5 days
- Increases chance of conception
- Provides lubrication for sexual intercourse
Painful Ovulation
Also known as mittelschmerz, some ladies experience slight discomfort in their pelvic or mild cramps before or during the fertile days. Pelvic discomfort during ovulation period may be caused by the rupturing of the follicle and the release of some amount of blood or fluid.
This discomfort may be felt in either ovary or could vary from the ovaries from month to month.
Changes In Basal Body Temperature
Basal body temperature (BBT) rises about 1°F or less during the 24-hour window after ovulation. The temperature change is caused by the secretion of progesterone. If the egg is not fertilized during ovulation, the BBT remains the same until the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
Tracking your BBT with the required thermometer helps in understanding your ovulation pattern from month to month, but this method cannot be relied on singularly
Tender Breasts/Sore Nipples
Some ladies experience tender breasts or sore nipples during the time.
Increased In Sex Drive
Some ladies have a higher sexual drive during the time of their ovulation.
Higher Cervix
During ovulation, your cervix tends to be higher, soften and more open (so the sperm can easily reach the egg). You can check for the changes in your cervical position and texture by gently inserting your finger to feel for your cervix. Do this if you feel comfortable to do so.
Signs Of Ovulation
It is important to note that ovulation signs vary from one month to the other and keep in mind that not experiencing any sign in a particular month does not indicate you are not ovulating.
Ovulation Kit
These are sold over the counter which assist you in identifying your fertile day. These kits test your urine for a surge in hormones that occurs before ovulation. Ovulation happens hours after a positive result.
Follicular Phase
The Follicular phase starts from the beginning of your menstrual cycle till the onsets of your ovulation
During the follicular phase, the beginning of your cycle, follicles, which are the sacs in the ovary, contain eggs and an egg or more is released monthly.
Luteal Phase
The luteal phase begins after ovulation has ended till the beginning of your next period
The luteal phase is consistently 14 days long.
In between the follicular phase and the luteal phase is the Ovulation per
Some women experience a shorter luteal phase known as Luteal Phase Deficiency(LPD) which is caused by a decreased progesterone level that results in inadequate development of the uterine lining. LPD is found in both infertile and fertile women.
What Happens At The Luteal Phase
During the luteal phase, the follicle that burst and released the egg at ovulation grows into a small yellow structure or cyst known as The corpus luteum.
This corpus luteum releases progesterone and estrogen that cause uterine lining or the endometrium to thicken and have the capability to nourish a fertilized egg.
The implanted embryo begins to make human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) which keeps the corpus luteum and progesterone production going. The corpus luteum will sustain the uterine lining and pregnancy until the placenta develops.
However, if the egg in the fallopian tube was not fertilized or the fertilized egg did not implant, the corpus luteum deteriorates and progesterone level goes down. Without these two functioning, the uterine lining/endometrium is not maintained resulting in the uterine shedding its lining and the onset of the next menstrual cycle.
Ovulation Days / Fertile Windows
The fertile window or ovulation days are often between 11-16th days (check the diagram below). During this period, sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy.
During these days, the sperm could wait at the fallopian tubes after sex ready to fertilized the egg once released.
When the egg is in the fallopian tube, it stays there for about 24 hours (the ovulation day) to be fertilized. If there is no sperm waiting to fertilize it or didn’t flow in within these hours, the fertile window ends and another phase begins.
When Does Ovulation Starts After Menstruation
It typically begins 12-14 days after your last period or 14 days before your next period. These are the days when your chances of conceiving are very high.
How Fertilization Happens
While you release only a single egg each month, your partner releases millions of sperm in a single ejaculation — all with an eye on that single prize. But only one of those sperm will be crowned the victor, and the odds are stacked against fertilization.
This one sperm must be of quality to fertilized the egg
If your partner has a low sperm count, He should use Spermboost.
Spermboost made with natural ingredients does these to the Male’s Sperm
- Increases its quality
- Balances the viscosity
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- Contains antioxidant to correct abnormal morphology
- Lengthens sperm’s lifespan
- Invigorates Sperms survival resilience in the vagina and womb
- Gives higher insemination success rates
- Changes watery semen
- Cures male infertility
Spermboost dietary supplement focuses on men’s reproductive health to help boost the possibility of a successful conception, a natural remedy to sperm health and the sperm count as a whole
FORMULATED FOR MEN: Spermboost a formulation of traditional herbs with empirical evidence for centuries but now scientifically proven. The preparation is known to improve several parameters of sperm count, viability and motility by 300%; these herbs also reduce morphological damage.
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Testimonials On Spermboost
Testimonies about the rapid improvement of sperm level after taking SpermBoost abound.
After 2 years of trying to conceive, we had pretty much given up. My husband’s sperm was watery, I found this and had thought it wouldn’t hurt to try. After 2 1/2 months of my husband using this, I am 4.5 weeks pregnant! Wonderful supplement. My husband said he felt very healthy taking it and it didn’t upset his stomach. Thanks SpermBoost!!
Using SpermBoost, I have found that I don’t need any other supplements. This product works great, even if you are not using it for boosting motility, the ingredients are very beneficial.
I went for a test some days back and got the result today. I have been dancing all evening, the test came out great. All the parameters have risen to normal. Every single parameter is well within healthy range. I couldn’t believe it. I really thank God and i testify that your product worked for me
I was diagnosed with low motility, the doctors gave us several very expensive options on how to help us conceive. I couldn’t go through that route because of the expenses involved. So I did what I always do! Find a low cost solution. I did online research to find natural products that boost sperm. I saw so many options but my mind was fixed on this, I guess the reviews helped too. I was diligent in my usage and I was patient. Now what I need everyone who has watery semen, low sperm count or low motility to know is that technically it takes some days for healthy sperm to be created. So it won’t happen overnight but in the end, it worked!
To buy SpermBoost, CLICK HERE.
Ovulation Cycle/Ovulation Period
Ovulation cycle /Period typically means the same with menstrual cycle.
- Menstruation (Day 1-5)
This is when the red blood flows out through the vagina.
- Follicular Phase (Day 6-10)
The preovulatory phase where follicles in the ovary mature.
- Fertility Phase(Day 11-16)
The perfect time for conception, where symptoms of ovulation are seen.
- Ovulation Day (Day 14)
The day the egg is released to the fallopian tube waiting to be fertilized.
- Luteal Phase (Day 17 -28)
If the ovulated egg is not fertilized by sperm within 24 hours, it will fade away making the uterine lining detached and shed as menstruation.
What Happens To Your Body During Ovulation
These are what happens to your body during your fertile windows.
- Bloating
- Abdominal pain
- Elevated body temperature
- Breast tenderness
- Changes in your saliva
- Changes in the cervical mucus
Does Breast Hurts During Ovulation
Breast/ nipple tenderness is associated with the menstrual cycle caused by hormones, some women begin to experience breast tenderness from their fertile period till the beginning of their menstrual cycle.
How Long Does Ovulation Last
Ovulation happens once in every menstrual cycle and it lasts for about 24 hours. It is when the egg is moved to the fallopian tubes, once it is not fertilized between the 24 hours, it dies
Spotting During Ovulation
Spotting during ovulation is a light pink or reddish color of cervical fluid. A source found that about 5 percent of women have spotting during ovulation.
Spotting during ovulation is caused by rapid hormonal changes that happen during this fertile days. A trusted source indicates that higher levels of luteal progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) around ovulation were seen in women who experienced spotting during ovulation.
A higher or lower level of these hormones does not mean that you are more or less likely to conceive.
Cervical Mucus After Ovulation
Cervical mucus after ovulation follows two pattern:
Cervical Mucus After Ovulation If Pregnant
During implantation, you could experience implantation bleeding, a pink tinge cervical fluid. Implantation bleeding occurs 7-10 days after ovulation if the egg is fertilized.
However, not all ladies experience implantation bleeding, and some ladies who are pregnant do not have noticeably different cervical fluid.
Cervical Mucus After Ovulation If You Are Not Pregnant
If the egg is not fertilized during ovulation, your estrogen levels drop, and you may notice less discharge or even some completely dry days.
Signs Ovulation Is Over
These are the sign that your ovulation days is over
- Cervical mucus changes to a thick and creamy mucus
- There is a loss of libido
- Decrease in abdominal pain
- The cervix becomes harder, lower and more closed
- Your ovulation calculator confirmed it
Ovulation Induction
Ovulation induction means a way to alleviate female infertility due to anovulation.
Ovul8plus is formulated for women going through infertility .
With an effective formula that synergistically combines herbs, it is designed to naturally strengthen female reproductive health while preparing her body for conception.
- regulates menstrual cycle
- treats hormonal imbalance
- restores and normalize ovulation(anovulation)
corrects polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS) - enhanced fertility
- eliminates the effects of anti-sperm antibodies
- relieves menopausal symptoms
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